Please Listen Carefully - The Court Reporting Podcast

Jon Kirsch - Freelance Reporter

Today we are speaking with Jonathan Kirsch. Jon is a recent graduate and freelance reporter working at Reporters Ink in New York City.  Jon has only been working for the past 12 months, so let's check in with a recent grad and see how his short career is faring.

Jon had dropped by the school for a visit and I convinced him to sit down and record this podcast with us. Sit back, relax and enjoy.


Please Listen Carefully - The Court Reporting Podcast

Josh Edwards - Realtime, Freelance Reporter

Today we are speaking with Josh Edwards, Josh is an active real-time, freelance reporter and former federal judicial reporter. Josh moved to NY City from Florida to pursue a career an acting career, but fell in love with realtime reporting.  

Josh and I sat down to chat right before he helped out with a real time demonstration at a recent open house. His enthusiasm is infectious. Sit back, relax and enjoy.

Please Listen Carefully - The Court Reporting Podcast

Karen Sole - Court Reporting Instructor / Administrator

Today we are speaking with Karen Sole. Karen is instructor and administrator at NY School of Court Reporting. She has extensive experience as a freelance reporter and official reporter for a district attorney in New Jersey.  Karen also has worked hard with court reporting school s adopting real time coach into their curriculum.  

Full disclosure, Karen is an instructor at my school and although I’ve known her for over a year, I learned something today. So, Sit back, relax and enjoy.

Please Listen Carefully - The Court Reporting Podcast

Lisa Zenker - CART Captioner/Agency Owner

Today we are speaking with Lisa Zenker. Lisa is an active CART captioners and the owner of All County Captions a Long Island New York-based CART captioning agency. Although Lisa hails from Long Island, she works all around the tri-state area providing captioning services to hearing-impaired students in high school and university settings.

Please Listen Carefully - The Court Reporting Podcast

Debra A. Levinson - Freelance Reporter/Agency Owner

Today we are speaking with Debra A. Levinson. Debra is an active freelance reporter and agency owner. From her humble beginnings in Queens New York, Debra has built one of the best court reporting agencies in Westchester County. Debra is also on the board of the NY State Court Reporters Association where she chairs the voluntary certification committee.

Debra’s enthusiasm definitely really comes across on this interview and I enjoyed speaking with her. Sit back, relax and enjoy the interview.

CourtReporter #ClosedCaptioning



Please Listen Carefully - The Court Reporting Podcast

Jill Suttenberg - Freelance Reporter

Today we are speaking with Jill Suttenberg. Jill is an active freelance reporter and a former scopist. She enjoys medical deposition and has worked internationally including work for the European investigation of the Pam Am flight 103 tragedy over Lockerby, Scotland. I love Jill’s enthusiasm for this career, and I think you will too. Get ready. Listen. And enjoy.



Please Listen Carefully - The Court Reporting Podcast

Bill Carroll - Judicial Reporter/Instructor

Today we are speaking with Bill Carroll, he is a retired judicial reporter with decades of experience running the court reporter pool in Bronx county NY. Full disclosure, Bill is also an instructor at my school. Even though I’ve known Bill for a while, it was interesting learning more about his background and career.  Enjoy.



Please Listen Carefully - The Court Reporting Podcast

Lisa Blute - Freelance Reporter/Instructor

Today we are speaking with Lisa Blute. Lisa is a former freelance reporter and a graduate of my school, albeit years before I owned it. As a freelance reporter, in addition to depositions, she worked at the criminal court in the Greenburg, New York. There Lisa worked on several high-profile and colorful cases. Lisa is former teacher of the NY School of Court Reporting. Sit down, listen up and, as always, enjoy.



Please Listen Carefully - The Court Reporting Podcast